Laboratory of Information Technologies (LVA) is an independent unit affiliated to the Department of technological equipment of buildings. The main areas of activity of the department is primarily to ensure operation of computerized classrooms, and guaranteeing the provision of teaching a number of courses for the students and combined studies, including all levels aspirantského studies, securing and managing the CCTV security system of the Faculty of Engineering and other activities. It currently provides traffic LVA 4 computer labs and study rooms. Workers LVA focus primarily on teaching subjects related to the issue of informatics, computing and especially computer networks. Due to the growing trend in recent years relies increasingly Education in the area of commercial presentation (video presentations, video conferencing, etc.), e-learning (configuration and management of e-learning sites and courses) and especially security issues (ESS - their installation and configuration , legislation etc.). Still in the number of hours and number of students, however, clearly outweigh courses focused primarily on computer networks and their services.